The COVID-19 pandemic has been enormously challenging to small businesses, but especially to those who had no website or ability to conduct business online. This issue is more common than one might think. According to Rebrand Cities, a global civic design partnership with WordPress that is focused on getting small businesses online, 46% of the 28 Million small businesses in the United States don’t have websites.
We knew that many Detroit businesses fell into this group, so we se out to make sure local businesses had the resources they needed to get online. This month, the Rocket Community Fund proudly partnered with the City of Detroit and Rebrand Cities for the “Digital Detroit” Virtual Website Accelerator program.
This unique opportunity connected 100 Detroit businesses with trained web designers to build websites. Participating businesses received a business website, free hosting for three months, guided virtual website development training, virtual office hours and study halls, and more.
The Rocket Community Fund is proud to sponsor this unique pilot project and is excited to learn from this group of 100 businesses as we seek to scale to thousands more over the next 12 to 18 months.