The 2024 Detroit Neighbor to Neighbor report presents the results of this year’s door-to-door canvassing campaign, building on findings from previous annual initiatives. Neighbor to Neighbor connects residents facing property tax delinquency with resources while collecting data to develop and improve programs addressing property tax foreclosure, displacement, and housing instability. The purpose of Neighbor to Neighbor is to provide residents with resources and information about property tax relief, and the data collected informs our housing stability strategy and investments.
Data gathered through Neighbor to Neighbor outreach has contributed to a decrease in foreclosures by informing residents about programs such as the City of Detroit’s Homeowners Property Tax Exemption (HOPE) program, which can help qualified homeowners reduce current year tax obligations, and the Gilbert Family Foundation’s Detroit Tax Relief Fund, which eliminates delinquent taxes for qualified homeowners.
The Neighbor to Neighbor program conducted door-to-door canvassing targeting 63,292 parcels throughout Detroit. Of these, 51% of properties (32,261) had residents who answered the door and provided information summarized in this report, including responses from both homeowners and renters. Read more in the full report by clicking the image below.